WHY I AM RUNNING – Seven Core Areas of My Manifesto – Frank Nweke Jnr

by Amos Kalu

Frank Nweke Jnr – These are critical times that call for radical actions. I am standing, not just to be counted but to make the count worth it. Enugu has never had it this bad and we can no longer sit back and just complain. The political and governance spaces deserve the active participation of a critical mass of our best and brightest minds; people of integrity, honour, competence, capacity, and creative problem-solving skills.

I had the privilege of being invited to work with the Government a long time ago and have had the opportunity to serve in some sensitive positions. I’ve also had the opportunity to travel widely around Enugu State in my capacity as the State Coordinator of the Community County Council. I have had experiences that have allowed me to not only understand how government works but be able to identify with a lot of clarity, the needs of the people and the things that need to be done to transform our society. I have first-hand governance at both the State and National levels. I am standing on the pedigree of the positions that I have held and led with excellence, proven results, and a high sense of integrity. In these places, my sense of empathy, excellence, character, accountability, capacity and competence, critical reasoning, and emotional intelligence were honed. My skills in public policy, evidence-backed development planning, and implementation have all sharpened through these years. I believe that my record of service enables me to be able to say that I have the personal discipline, the capacity, and the competence to transform the State.

I promise that my team and I will restore the trust in Government by dedicating ourselves to the fundamentals – building a stable and prosperous state where every citizen is economically empowered, has access to a stable power supply, potable water, excellent healthcare, and quality education and every life is secure and treated with respect and dignity.

Frank Nweke

What’s our plan for economic transformation?

We envision a transformed Enugu State with skilled human capital generating collective wealth and well-being.

We will
– Create an equitable and just society that generates local, regional, and national prosperity.
– Transform Enugu State into a safe, modern, and investor-friendly destination.
– Be people-centric and increase citizen participation & engagement.
– Run an inclusive, accountable, and open-door government Abide by, and promote the rule of law.

What’s our dream for Ndi Enugu?

We envision a 21st-century society powered by human capital, where every citizen can attain their highest potential within a globally competitive economy.

We will
– Raise the quality of life of all people in Enugu through sustained investment in values propagation, education, health, security, and environmental sustainability.
– Create partnerships with and attract global institutions & companies.
– Promote collaboration between academia and industry to enhance innovation & productivity outputs.
– Develop and encourage the use of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) frameworks to expand access to quality education.
– Be a catalyst to drive investment into the commercialization of academic output.

How will we keep Enugu safe?

We envision a safe and secure Enugu where every life is valued, and livelihoods and property are protected.

We will
 Secure lives and protect livelihoods & properties through innovative security initiatives.
– Work in partnership with the citizens as core stakeholders compassionately but decisively tackle all menaces to society by promoting and supporting effective and humane law enforcement.
– Ensure all citizens are treated fairly and equally under the law.

What’s the plan for water availability and environmental sanitation?

We envision Enugu State as a model with a strategic focus on environmental sustainability; and Water, Sanitation, and Health (WASH) to enhance human and economic development.

We will
 Make Enugu green and sustainable by investing in water, urban planning, infrastructure, energy, values, and beliefs of the people.
– Transform Enugu into a model city amongst the top 20 cleanest and greenest cities in Africa by 2027.
– Drive integrated development as a state policy and create a new town development program to deliver sustainable green towns.
– Develop and implement the Enugu State masterplan and aggregate communities anchored on natural endowments, education, and industrial clusters, to achieve an integrated regional economic development.
– Restore parks and regenerate all slums in Enugu into liveable, safe, and sustainable communities (Abakpa Nike, Ugwu Aaron, Ugwu Onyeama, Iva Valley, Emene, Ugwugo Nike, etc.)
– Establish a Green City Council to coordinate inter-ministerial collaborations – Education, Health, Transportation, Environment, etc.

What type of Government should you expect?

We will establish a new type of government that recognizes its responsibilities to the people and delivers its obligations as an agent and trustee of citizens.

We will
– Adopt an administration of Radical Transparency & Accountability.
– Develop a partnership framework between state and local government (to develop 3 projects per annum per LG x 17 LGs x 4 years).
– Institute an annual ‘State of the State address (mandated by law via the State House of Assembly) on the Governor’s stewardship of the state.
– Enhance citizen participation through the creation of platforms for citizen participation and bring the Governor closer to the people (local discussions on issues e.g. ‘Meet the Governor’).
– Institute an ‘Annual State of the State Address’ (mandated by law via the State House of Assembly) on the Governor’s stewardship of the state. This will be part of a continuous process of engagement to re-establish TRUST with the people and depart from the apathy of the present.
– Respect and maintain the independence of the Judiciary and strengthen partnership with Nigeria Police.
– Reform and properly equip the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs to enhance a more inclusive engagement of traditional rulers and community leaders for sustainable and inclusive development of the state.

How will we raise the standard of leadership?

We will model exemplary leadership that mobilizes citizens to collective action and ownership of a compelling and bold vision of the Enugu State of our dreams.

We will
– Sustain our Igbo values by formalizing curriculum and pedagogy in schools, launching public recognition programs, and committing leaders in the public and private sectors to mainstream values through behavioral modeling.
– Strengthen and establish a Community Asset-Based Development Model by creating a pipeline of engaged leaders (Community Representatives) focused on their development and that of their communities.
– Establish The Michael Okpara Leadership Fellowship (100 Young fellows per local government = 1,700 leaders per year).
– Promote the inclusion of women, youth, and the under-served in leadership at all levels.

What’s our plan to boost the use of Technology?

We will establish Enugu as a technology and innovation destination, with the requisite human capital and infrastructure to activate and scale 21st-century enterprises.

We will
– Develop smarter cities through connectivity infrastructure, open data, software solutions, and related services that address the priority sectors of the integrated economic development plan.
– Leverage the existing clusters of educational institutions to accelerate the emergence of a youthful, digitally-native, and highly skilled technical talent pool that powers innovation and attracts high-tech businesses.
– Facilitate technology inclusion in the state to educate and re-tool the workforce for the 21st century, and embed a digital literacy and skills development framework in education and professional development that will lead to acquiring globally benchmarked competencies.
– Establish Enugu as a technology and innovation destination through the propagation of tech hubs and the related ecosystem activity that sustains them.

Frank Nweke Jnr

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