The CEO/Editor of OHAFIA-TV News, Comr Amos Kalu, has admonished all men to live upto their responsibilities as fathers because running away from those responsibilities, no matter how small they seem will not bring the needed solutions.
He wrote: “In my journey as a father, I have learnt that being a father is not about how many kids you produced, neither is being a father about how much money you have made to substitute your role in the family.
That you made enough money before marrying does not make you a better father than the next man who married but couldn’t have kids to call their own, No!
I have learnt that being a father is about accepting and shouldering responsibilities that comes with fatherhood, being there to support and raise your kids with your spouse no matter how busy you think you are.
As a father, your own trial may come in different shades and styles like, threat of broken home, lack of fund to run the home, lack of resources to give the best to your family, or worse still, the temptation of having to wait for long before having your own kids.
The best definition of fatherhood places the question of “How far have you gone in handling this challenges?”, “How much have you sacrificed and how much more are you willing to sacrifice?”.
Dear men, having a 3rd leg and sowing sperm like seed in every fertile ground is not a prerequisite to be qualified as a father.
Taking responsibility and making the ultimate sacrifice of maintaining unbroken family is the only yardstick to be called a father.
To the real men out there, God will always crown your efforts as you remain in faith and living with eternity in view.
I have enough reason to believe that the decision to become a responsible father has been the most priceless gift to my life.

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