Brothers, Friends, Comrades, distinguished platform associates, fellow Abams and Aros:
Three months ago, I, Dr. Samuel Uba Okorie rendered in simple, eloquent, and unequivocal language a decision which will long be stenciled on the mental sheets of succeeding generations. For all men of goodwill, this decision came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of human captivity. It came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of disinherited people throughout Arochukwu who had dared only to dream of freedom.
Unfortunately, this noble and sublime decision has not gone without opposition. This opposition has often risen to ominous proportions. Many people have risen up in open defiance. We understand, that being new in the system, there will always be an opposition. We understand that financially, we do not match up. We understand that politically we do not measure up.
But even more, all types of conniving methods are still being used to prevent me from becoming whom God destined me to be – Your Representative! The denial of this sacred right is a tragic betrayal of the highest mandates of our democratic tradition. And so our most urgent request to the people of Arochukwu State Constituency and every citizen of Abam Onyerubi and Arochukwu Clans, is to give us your Vote.
Give us your Vote, and we will no longer have to worry the federal government about our basic rights.
Give us your Vote, and we will no longer plead and wait for too long for the state government to provide for us our moral rights to good living; we will by the power of our vote rewrite the law on the statute books of Arochukwu Constituency and bring an end to the dastardly acts of non-performance of those who has been there before us.
Give us your Vote, and we will transform the salient misdeeds of power mongers into the calculated good deeds of orderly citizens.
Give us your Vote, and we will fill our legislative halls with men of goodwill and send to the sacred halls of the Assembly men who will not sign bills because of their devotion to parties but sign bills because it affects in a good way and smears of justice.
Give us your Vote, and we will quietly and nonviolently, without rancor or bitterness, implement the people’s decision.
I conclude by saying that each of us must keep faith in the future. Let us not despair. Let us realize that as we struggle for justice and freedom, we have cosmic companionship, the All-loving God, forever working through history for the establishment of His kingdom.
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