The Scientific Reasons for the actions taken by the UK on the Covid-19, a Must Read:
Dear Reader,
The first domino has fallen…
Boris Johnson had the courage – or more like the desire for self-preservation – to announce yesterday that all COVID-19 restrictions in the U.K. will end on January 26.
That means everything.
Masks will no longer be required anywhere. Not in shops, not on public transport, not in schools, not outside. Better yet, the removal of masks in schools is effective today.
Even better, Johnson went so far as to make it clear that “we will trust the judgement of the British people and no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one.”
Working remotely will no longer be advised and people are encouraged to return to work in person.
And COVID passports or passes to prove vaccination status will no longer be required anywhere.
What happened? Why the sudden reversal of policy in one of the countries that supported some of the most draconian pandemic policies?
On December 30, prestigious medical journal The Lancet published the results of a study that demonstrated that 89% of new U.K. COVID cases were among those fully vaccinated. 89%!
It went one step further to highlight the vaccinated population as a source of transmission of COVID-19.
The research went even further, and I quote:
“The COVID-19 case rate per 100,000 was higher among the subgroup of the vaccinated compared to the subgroup of the unvaccinated.”
“Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease.”
“It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.”
And that is what happened.
The data was irrefutable. No matter what the U.K. tried over the last two years, absolutely nothing stopped the spread. Remote work didn’t work, sanitizing our hands didn’t work, masking didn’t work, vaccine passports didn’t work, and most certainly the COVID-19 “vaccines” didn’t stop the spread.
Sadly, we knew this already. I’ve been sharing the scientific research with my readers for the last two years. I haven’t been sharing my opinions on these matters, only the research, the data, and the facts.
It might be uncomfortable for some to hear, but it’s the kind of information that I’d like to have to make decisions about my own health if our roles were reversed.
I’m sure that Boris Johnson and his cabinet will claim victory. It’s all for show, of course; to continue down the path of more restrictions and criminalization would have been political suicide.
It’s a smart move for self-preservation. But he really had no choice. In light of all the research and evidence, so many across the country realized the game was up. The truth is, for a highly transmissible airborne virus, we can run… but we can’t hide.
And almost as if in coordination, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. released new research that demonstrated that people who had previously been infected with COVID-19 and recovered were better protected against the Delta variant than those who are vaccinated alone.
This was a big deal, as this is an explicit acknowledgement of the power and durability of natural immunity acquired from prior exposure to COVID-19.
But it gets better.
In a shocking admission from the epicenter of COVID fearmongering, The New York Timesstated yesterday, “Unvaccinated people with a history of COVID also had lower rates of infection and hospitalization than those protected by vaccines alone.” It went further, saying, “The data are consistent with trends observed in international studies.”
The facts are not surprising. The fact that The New York Times printed them is…
The most ironic part is that we’ve always known these things. We’ve known that the COVID-19 vaccines don’t “immunize” or provide immunity. They are not at all a vaccine in the traditional sense. I think of them more like experimental drugs for which we are still waiting on two-year safety data.
We’ve known that those vaccinated still catch and transmit COVID-19 to others. It’s the spread of Omicron that has made this fact so obvious. We’ve experienced it in our own lives and networks of friends, family, and colleagues.
This is the reason that vaccine passports make no sense at all. What’s the point? They provide a false sense of security and do absolutely nothing to keep anyone “safe.” Those who are vaccinated transmit COVID-19 like anyone else.
So there we have it… the beginning of the end.
The U.K. now joins Sweden, which was the stalwart of logic in successfully employing evidence-based policy decisions based on scientific research, not political narratives. Sweden has proven to be an incredible model throughout the pandemic. Thankfully, at least one country got it right. I hope other countries will learn from it.
Who will throw the towel in next? I suspect several European countries will do the same. I have to believe that there has been some coordination amongst E.U. member countries on this new policy position.
There have been so many massive and peaceful demonstrations against the COVID restrictions across Europe over the last six months, most of which went grossly underreported by the media. The groundswell was unmistakable and deeply encouraging.
And the U.S. is about to fall as well. For the same reasons as Johnson in the U.K. We’re all exhausted with this nonsense, and we can all see that the interventions haven’t stopped the spread.
And we look to states like Florida and Texas that have been living a normal life for more than a year. None of the dire predictions levied by The New York Times or The Atlantic came true. And we all know it.
It’s time to get back to life… to breathe freely… to let our children and grandchildren see each other’s faces and smile. It’s time to treat each other with kindness and respect.
It’s time to be free.
Source: Jeff Brown – Brownstone Research
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