As of 63, Nigeria is still lagging, with a huge debt burden, a high level of corruption, and mass poverty. The government in power can change this sad narrative if they are sincere enough to face the realities from a pragmatic point of view.
Nigeria’s sorry situation has become a complex question that can not get a YES and NO answer from any politician, but requires a systemic approach with the right blueprint and political will to achieve the needed results in nation-building.

Unfortunately, Nigeria has been on autopilot for the past 9 years because the APC protagonists are more interested in grabbing the power even if they don’t know what to do with it, as a result, Nigeria has faired worse.
I think the best thing this government can do is to set aside political differences and scout for the best hands to develop a robust economic roadmap with many years of projection to total recovery.
We must overcome the mindset of “Winner Takes All”, which is the best way to celebrate mediocrity above meritocracy.
We must set up a 50-year economic recovery plan and at the same time initiate immediate remedies to cushion the bad effects of poverty occasioned by hasty policy decisions under this administration.
I felicitate with the good people of Abia State and Nigerians in general as our dear Country today celebrates her 63rd Independence anniversary. It is a moment of thanksgiving and appreciation despite the prevailing economic challenges that at 63, Nigeria youth have been able to fly tall our national flag on the global stage through prolific show of talents in industry, academia and music scenes.
The resilience of young Nigerians who have refused to give up on the Country by remaining steadfast with the government of the day draws a sound inspiration of the fact that we are actually progressing despite all odds. . Across the globe and in various areas of human endeavours , the youth of this Country have proven to have the ability to compete with their peers from any part of the world . The journey has just begun and in no distant time , Nigeria would be seen to have rapidly advanced in all facets of life when the government drops sentiment and faces the realities of political democracy .
To my fellow compatriots of Abia origin, I thank you all for standing by the government of Dr. Alex Otti who has chosen to give his best towards bringing Abia State’s economy to the front page of boom and excellence. His milestone achievements at the earlier stage in office prove his determination to redeem the lost image of the State. The original intent of the former British Colonial Secretary of Nigeria, Oliver Lyttotine for championing representative government during the 1953 London Constitutional Conference had been defeated but with our spirit of doggedness in working to right the wrongs, things are sure to change for the better . We need Nigeria where the safety of lives and properties are guaranteed and protected . We work to take back our nation from the pit of collapsing economy to one creamed in speedy national development in all aspects.
Independence celebration on annual basis reminds us of how African nationalists – Dr . Kwume Nkrumah of the old Gold Coast, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania , Nnamdi Azikiwe , Alhaji Ahmed Bello and Chief Awolowo fought hard to ensure West African countries liberated from colonial subjugation . These men of integrity made their inputs under severe threats , criticism and racial insults yet they didn’t give up until their freedom agenda was achieved. It calls for the government of Nigeria and other Africa countries who came under the French and British colonies to have a rethink on the pattern of leadership they deliver while in power . The system has been so bad but there is always hope of regeneration for a tree that was cut down . The Judiciary has a good role to play by standing on the point of justice and rule of law despite how heavy politicians descend on them to truncate the tenets of the law . One Nigeria of our dream is coming and when achieved , we shall all have the full course to be proud of our fatherland .
Happy Independence Anniversary!
Chief Dr. Emeka Kalu,
Eck Foundations
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