There’s a popular saying that tough times requires tough measures, and I am adding that the tough measures can only come from men who understand “times”.
Haven said this, let me once again clarify that when I stood strong to support Alhaji Atiku in 2019, it was based on my believe that Nigeria needed a man that is strong enough to understand the dynamic complexities of the multifaceted entity called Nigeria. It was not borne out of pecuniary instinct, neither was I expecting to be rewarded for standing for what I believe to be right for all Nigerians.
I can also still vehemently maintain in 2023 that handing Nigeria over to just any man, will still overwhelm him like it has overwhelmed PMB who thought he will change Nigeria with a magic wand. Of course he did change Nigeria, but in the direction Nigeria has pushed him with its multi-complexities.
Few days back, I made a case for the place of “POLITICAL DYNAMISM’S” in Nigeria politics, and I am still premising my submission upon that argument to say that until we separate reality from sentiments in our process of political ideology and orientation, we may start waiting for another 8 years to elapse from 2023. Let me not deviate from my point of discourse.
I also made a case sometime and said that the present generation of Nigerians need a man that can snatch power from the CABALS and hand it back to the people. We saw the pedigree in Atiku’s 2019 onslaught against the power that be. I have reasons to believe that if all Nigerians had joined Atiku to fight a bit harder, we would’ve been out of the woods by now.
Alhaji Atiku is a man that has proved to be a true Democrat, a technocrat, a detribalized Nigeria with high managerial knowhow, coupled with tested tenacity to move things forward naturally. I am not here to eulogize, rather I strive to hit the nail by the head by calling a spade a spade.
His antecedents in businesses since he went out of corridors of power is exactly what Nigeria needs at the point we have find ourselves. A man that can turn things around.
He made a Tweet about consoling the family of Miss Vera Uwa, the girl that was raped and murdered in a Cgurch. I was shocked at the reaction of some elements who believed he was wrong for empathising with a family from the South. But that is the onus of a detribalised leader, he has shown it at all times to prove that it is not about whose corpse in carried, but it is about the sanctity of life of all Nigerians.
I agree that Nigeria need to have a taste of new generation of leaders. But it is when you kill a kite and have it at hand that we begin to ask if women eat kite, this is a popular proverb in Igbo land.
I will continue to implore Nigerians to see reasons with me to rally around Atiku once again to help the youths take power back and make Nigeria great again for all of us.
This reality is the only reaon that the cabals are against him and should be the more reason why the masses should need him.
To be continued…
Chief Dr Emeka Kalu
DG, Global Initiative for Good Governance (GIGG)
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