Abuja, Nigeria – In a passionate appeal, the Youth President of the Nigerian Youth Alliance (NYA) has sounded the alarm, emphasizing Nigeria’s dire need for total recreation. The Youth President emphasized that the country requires visionary leaders, innovators, and creators who can drive positive change.
“We need individuals who can dream big and turn those dreams into reality,” the Youth President declared. “Only the strong at heart, with a dominion mindset, can create nations.”
Youth President of NYA Urges Citizens to Tap into Dominion Mindset, Embracing Godly Values to Create a Better Future

As citizens of the Kingdom of God, the Youth President reminded Nigerians that they belong to a superior, though invisible, system. This, he believes, empowers them to rise above the current challenges and build a brighter future.
The Youth President’s call to action comes at a critical juncture in Nigeria’s history, where the country faces numerous socio-economic challenges. He urged young Nigerians to tap into their inner strength, embracing Godly values and a dominion mindset to become the change-makers the nation desperately needs.
“We cry out to God for intervention, but we must also take action,” the Youth President stressed. “We must become the solution, harnessing our collective potential to rebuild and revitalize our beloved Nigeria.”
The NYA’s rallying cry has resonated with many young Nigerians, who are eager to drive positive change and create a better future for themselves and generations to come.
- “Nigeria is crying, and we need those who can create, innovate, and lead.”
- “We belong to a superior system, and it’s time we tap into that power.”
- “Only the strong at heart, with a dominion mindset, can create nations.”
“So help us, Oh God, to rise up and take our rightful place as leaders and change-makers. Grant us the strength, wisdom, and courage to recreate Nigeria in your image.”
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