The Anambra State Police Command has confirmed a devastating arson attack on the Ogbaru Local Government secretariat, perpetrated by a large group of gunmen. The attackers, who struck in the early hours of Friday, set multiple buildings ablaze, including a town hall reserved for traditional rulers and various administrative facilities.
SP Tochukwu Ikenga, spokesperson for the state police command, confirmed the incident, stating, “Security operatives valiantly resisted the gunmen, but some LGA properties were destroyed, and several buildings were affected. Fortunately, no lives were lost, and a joint security operation is still underway.”
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Eyewitnesses reported that the attackers fired indiscriminately into the air, causing widespread panic among residents. One eyewitness recounted, “At approximately 5 am, about 30 gunmen emerged from the bushes, chanting as they stormed the local government secretariat and fired shots into the air. They proceeded to set buildings within the council premises ablaze, including the main secretariat and traditional rulers’ structures.”
The eyewitness also revealed that the attackers had been responsible for previous violent incidents in the area, including the recent death of a security guard and two young men. A similar attack occurred on June 15, 2024, when suspected arsonists targeted the same local government headquarters, setting four security vehicles ablaze.
The latest attack has left the community reeling in fear and uncertainty, with many demanding enhanced security measures to protect lives and property.”
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