Let there be light, apparently represents the first RELIGIOUSLY documented Order that brought Order to Our Universe.
May all Disorders, advertently or inadvertently inflicted which Reorders our Space find no Place in 2024. May we find Strength in the Faith that Orders Fate. May Order Return To Our Lives As Ordered By The Almighty Who Orders All Things. Iseee!!!
I’m CHUKWUDUMEBI Scion of my Ancestors. Progeny of OME-ADIJI. Offshoot of Okolie-Ngbodongbo. Stalk of Nwanze-Asia. Son of UMEJEI, Nwa Isu’namboogu. And the Warm Reflection of Oboshi.
My Chi and I are ONE. I am God.
As we embrace the Year of Endless Possibilities and Limitless OPPORTUNITIES…Don’t Forget It’s the Number 20 and 24. Google Search/Seek the significance of the numericals in whichever FAITH you profess, And BELIEVE If You Will.
Prof Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.
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