Tourist Nathan Lugo compared Cotonou Cadjehoun International Airport in Benin to Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Nigeria.
American Ifa fan Lugo posted on Facebook that Cotonou is better than Lagos.
Unlike the MMIA in Lagos, he was not discriminated against as an Orisa devotee at the Cotonou airport.

He posted photographs “I’ve visited Benin Republic’s Yorùbáland multiple times for years. First time in 2018.
“I had never flown directly into or out of Cotonou, Benin Republic.
For perspective, I’ve flown to Yorùbáland in Nigeria annually through Lagos’ Murtala Muhammed International Airport since 1998! Yes, 25 years!
At least four times last year, I flew through Lagos Airport. I may claim that the Murtala Muhammed International Airport-Lagos and Cotonou Cadjehoun International Airport differ greatly.
“Cotonou’s airport is little. Nice design too. Clean airport interior. Their bathrooms are clean and have soap dispensers and hand dryers. Its parking is tidy.
“There are no ọmọ ìta like those in Lagos airports trying to swindle you. The staff was polite, professional, and balanced. Like Wynwood and other South Florida neighbourhoods, Cotonou has good bars and restaurants walking distance from the airport.
The security process did not seem to discriminate against me as a Òrìṣà follower, unlike the regular experiences I have had at Lagos airports.
Benin appreciates its indigenous culture and religion more than Nigerian neighbours who favour Middle Eastern religions.
Please note that I dress and act quietly at the airport to avoid drawing attention to myself.
Do I add that the Cotonou airport departure and arrival air-conditioning works? Their AC works! Foreigners are not being made suya. Imagine that!
I felt comfortable and like I was in any other country where people seemed “normal” at the airport and nearly everywhere else in the Benin Republic.
“Here is the most essential part: Not one customs official nor immigration officer nor airline staff tried to seek for a bribe nor extort money from me nor ask “what did you bring for me.” Nobody!!! Not a conventional airport?
I think I’ll call Lagos’ airport the ‘Murtala Muhammed Flying Circus of Lagos.’ People from ‘yOu CaNnOt CoMpArE bEnIn RePuBlIc To NiGeRiA’ You’re 100% correct!”
Credit: Facebook | Nathan Lugo.
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