In an interview monitored by OHAFIATV News and other selected News Platforms in the Abuja Headquarters of Action Democratic Party, ADP, the Chairman and Presidential candidate of the party, Engineer Yabaji Yusuf Sani bluntly posited that the insecurity experienced in Nigeria today is artificial in that it has become a source of income for corrupt politicians and the executors of the war against terrorism who in their devices will not desire the war to end, even when they know the simple approach to ultimate victory against it.
These points were raised in response to questions fielded by the journalists on the issue of security and how he plans to tackle insurgency, kidnapping, succession, as well as other social vices threatening the cooperate existence and sovereignty of the Nigerian nation.
“The first challenge of insecurity in Nigeria is corruption, when elected as the President of Nigeria ” Insha Allah”, I will tackle corruption headlong to block all the leakages bringing Nigeria down on her knees, this will make funds available to procure the needed equipment to rid our country off of some rag-tag groups who do not have neither the training nor the capacity to withstand the might of our servicemen who are ever ready to defend the territorial integrity of the nation with pride. If they have sources to acquire weapons, we have sources and resources to acquire sophisticated ones to chase them away from us.
“Another approach I will employ to tackle insecurity is through the motivation of the men executing the war. As a government, we will have resources at our disposal to give our gallant men the reason to carry on their duty to their fatherland, this is the kind of incentive the enemies of our state do not have because they fight for nothing while we fight to defend our values as a people. The training and re-training of our security establishment shall be paramount in my administration as a means to boost the morale of my men who will have the opportunity to attain their highest levels of service.

“I must tell you that one of the errors of Nigeria that are causing us the war against terrorism is that while agile and gallant young officers ready to exploit their career are hidden, taking orders from men that have served out their time, our country continues to suffer on the alter of mediocrity, bigotry, and avoidable disunity. I will end that era and create an enabling and competitive environment for our servicemen where gallantry and patriotism will be rewarded with promotion and commensurate rewards. once that is achieved through we’ll articulate Reformation, it will take a few months to end terrorism and insurgency in Nigeria”
When asked to state his position on Restructuring and State Police, the always articulate gentlemen said that the issue of restructuring is politicized so much that the import is lost in the endless bickering.
“The first question to ask is ” What does our constitution say about state police and restructuring?”. So far as the constitution is there to guide us on these sensitive issues, we do not have any issue managing them. For instance, if the Constitution in 1999 vested some powers on an Exclusive list while placing others on a Concurrent list to ensure the smooth running of the government and it gets to a point where the conditions are no longer suitable, it requires the political will of the Executive to approach the National Assembly for review, especially if time has changed the conditions prevalent when they were penned down, the same thing goes to state police, what are the present dynamics in security, is the old format still working? if it is not, I will approach the national assembly for review and possible adjustment because the constitution is a living document that projects its supremacy, yet it is not rigid. All these shouts and noise about restructuring are political and never in the interest of the country. You can quote me anywhere” he concludes.
To Be Continued.
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