From the time of Abraham and Metusselah, Separating the wheat from the chaffs has been a popular wise saying whose core values can never be deleted from the history of mankind. By so doing, this catching, detailed and educative work of art titled” ATIKU, THE MAN FOR NIGERIA” in honor of Atiku Abubakar is ice that idolizes the murky waters of the lingering Nigerian political challenges. It is as well like nectar on which a butterfly feeds to enable it to function naturally. Therefore, this book answers the pressing questions Nigerians ask on who best qualifies to take the seat of power at the center come 2023.
His Excellency, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is the man Nigerians clamor for in this critical time that the Nation is experiencing severe economic and security lapses. Atiku’s wealth of experience both in industrial and political fields are capable of relieving the Country from the current fire and brimstones hurting her economic stability, peace, and national harmony. This intelligent leader of our time started from nothing but in his early life, he struggled and achieved meaningfully that today, he has succeeded in building and impacting humanity.
Being a comprehensive biography celebrating a genius par excellence, this book reveals the commendable achievements, character traits, profiles, and agendas of Waziri Adamawa in his drives to govern and develop Nigeria to a lofty height when elected. He is a detribalized Nigerian loaded with the spirit of reshaping, reuniting, strengthening, and revitalizing the failing economy. The theme of this book cannot be over-emphasized as it simply unveils the resilience, sagacity, and commitment of the protagonist towards redeeming the Nation from the mayhem she is currently facing in the hands of Apc led Federal Government.
We hereby cheerfully invite the youths, elite, political leaders, traders, students, professional bodies, leaders of thought, international communities, and Nigerians from all walks of life to join us as we inaugurate this wonderful prose work in honor of a performing industrialist and political leader. Atiku means well for the Nation and would leave no stone unturned to see a new Nigeria when elected and inaugurated by the man in charge of Aso Rock come 2023. Massively Voting for Atiku in the forthcoming Presidential election is akin to having made a positive choice for a greater and greatly galvanized Nigeria. Wao! Nigeria in the hands of Atiku is promising and worth -having!
The general public is called upon to gather en mass to grace this book launching ceremony on the 28th of November, 2022 at Alhaji Musa Yar Adua Centre, Abuja. In case of any changes in venue, the Administrative / Coordinating unit of PDP Coalition would not hesitate to communicate and respond swiftly.
Chief Dr. Emeka Kalu,
Author & Director General,
Atikulated Agenda,2023.
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