Since the #ENDBADGOVERNANCE protestation, I have been inundated with requests, and besieged to lead a group of NGOs in proactive advocacy action to and across the States of the Federation. The mission is to assess, access and call out the States that are not delivering democracy dividends to their people. And to hail, applaud and encourage the States that are doing good to continue to do so.
Will this new challenge stop the punches on those at the Centre, absolutely not. Yes, whilst we continue to ask for the Restructuring of this dysfunctional enterprise ditto pushing through with the call for a regime of True Fiscal Federalism and Devolution Of Power, we cannot sincerely turn a blind eye to the huge malfeasance, wanton misappropriation and wastage that defines our subregional governments.

States are receiving Billions of Naira from the Federation Account, very many are generating billions monthly with good governance largely distant. Across the nation we have politicians whose philosophy and political ideology is ‘me, myself and I’, all that counts in their worldview is looting, kakistocracy and kleptomania. And this must stop.
We shall carry along in this Trust and challenge all willing progressive and proactive anti-corruption NGOs, CBOs and CSOs. We shall not suffer fools gladly in the quest to rid the entire space called Nigeria of profligacy, waste and wanderlust. We shall challenge every layer and tier of governance to responsible and responsive leadership. Our trust is completely bi-partisan, it is beyond the tendentious PH.D (Pull Him Down) that defines our politics. And it is a Pan Nigerian challenge.
We shall journey with amazing commitment as though our lives depend on it, because it does. We repudiate with amazing commitment the wanton hunger and poverty that litter every corner of our Republic. We lampoon with amazing vehemence the wanton profligacy and misappropriation of our collective patrimony that goes on in the States. And we ask every willing well-meaning and patriotic body in the land to join us in the challenge to make leadership accountable across the space called Nigeria.
We must cut short the long holiday from reckoning that the subregional governments have enjoyed thus far, and open up a broadbased surgical diagnosis of leadership across the nation, and the time is now. We must demand financial decorum and decency from the government at the centre, and also demand responsible and responsive leadership from our subregional governments, and the time is now.
Countrymen and women, Compatriots, Patriots and Statesmen, we cannot continue to keep quiet with mouths agape and hands akimbo regarding the goings on in the States and our Local Government Areas, and Local Government Development Centres/Areas, we must ask for records and score of stewardship from anyone who has access to our national till, from anyone who has a go at our collective patrimony, and from anyone that is in anyway near our patrimonial cookie-jar, everyone must account, and everyone must be held accountable, and now is the time.
Finally, please spare me the reprimand and the poking refrain ‘Prof when will you cut Tinubu some slack and face the Governors, starting with your State Governor?’, for I/we shall call out the Governors, and we shall continue to demand responsible and responsive leadership at the Centre. We will NOT fail.
Over my head I see a New Nigeria. We shall fix Nigeria and make Nigeria work for all, and such is our unalterable fate, faith and destiny.
God Bless Nigeria.
Prof Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.
Convener COUNTRYFIRST MOVEMENT. A Good Governance Advocacy Group.

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