Chief Dr Emeka kalu has called on Nigerians to keep faith with the nation and work harder to obtain peace, show tolerance and uphold democracy as the only modern system to ensure development, civilization and liberty for citizens of this great nation.
He pointed out that this day came with great sacrifices that our fathers paid to ensure a peaceful and unity Nigeria, insisting that it is out duty and obligation to uphold their legacies by defending the unity they fought hard to build, them improve on it to make Nigeria better for all of us. He said that to achieve that, we must tolerate each other and acknowledge our diversity which is our strength.

June 12, the day Nigeria experienced her first free and fair election (though it was annulled by military junta under IBB), was recorganized by the Buhari government as the official day to celebrate democracy in honour of Alhaji M.K.O Abiola and other heroes of democracy whose sacrifices and determination paved way for the democratic system being enjoyed today.
However, Chief Kalu expressed worry that after over 2 decades of democracy experiment, a lot seems to remain in shambles from economic woes to perineal insecurity, kidnapping and other social vices. He opined that unlike any other time in the history of Nigeria, politicians has divided Nigerians along ethnic and religious lines to the extent that nationalism and patriotism has been sacrificed on the alter of tribalism and ethnicity and the resultant effect has been evidenced in a progressing, in lieu of a progressing nation.
The President of ECK Foundation and CEO Stercoll Energy Services, USA reteririate the need for Nigerians to work together as one people to fight insecurity, kidnapping and corruption as these social vices is no respecter of tribe, creed or ethnicity, every Nigerian bear it’s brunt equally no matter your status or religious inclination.
He says that only Peace, Tolerance, and Liberty can truly make Nigeria the giant of Africa.
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