On the 7th of April 2024, the concept of giving and philanthropy was redefined in a new style that made the notion of giving felt directly in the pulse of the ordinary people in the streets of Aba and Umuahia with a simple act of love and care managed by young people.
In order to produce a direct effect of the Easter celebration in their lives, which represents love and sacrifice as exemplified in the life of Christ, Kamsi Esther Production came up with a good idea of cooking good food and serving the street dwellers who even if given such food items may not be able to make a delicious meal out of it.

The young lady behind the concept summed it up in her brief interview with an OHAFIATV News anchor when she said:
“These people have mouths but they don’t have food to eat, so we that have food decided to bring it to them so that they can eat with us and be happy”. This is the whole notion behind the 1 Day Feed The Street Retreat that took place in Aba and Umuahia.
As a foundation with a focus on lifting many out of poverty and touching lives in more ways than one, ECK Foundation saw the concept as an opportunity to reach out to more lives and they came in with sponsorship to make the retreat larger by targeting more people of the street that culminated in feeding many of them.
Let me suffice this story by saying that it will be better explained when you view the event outcome in the video below than to continue in this narrative.
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