Today, I am filled with immense gratitude as I reflect on the transformative journey that 2023 has been for me. I stand here not just as an individual but as someone profoundly touched by the extraordinary leadership of Rt. Hon. Uko Nkole.
Rt. Hon. Uko Nkole, the Abaji Abam Onyerubi, Nkuma Ali Iyi Abiriba, Ikeoha Ndi Amangwu Ohafia, Ugomba 1 of Ukwa la Ngwa, embodies the essence of a true leader. His influence extends beyond titles, reaching the very core of what it means to be a compassionate, visionary leader.

Working with Rt. Hon. Uko Nkole has been a revelation, transforming my mindset and redirecting my focus from trivial social media conflicts to meaningful endeavors. His leadership is a beacon of hope, a guiding force that has illuminated my path toward positive change.
As the Ugomba 1 of Ukwa la Ngwa, Rt. Hon. Uko Nkole has not only demonstrated political prowess but has also emerged as a man with a heart of gold. His kindness knows no bounds, and his support for the well-being of mankind is truly commendable.
Today, I take a moment to praise and appreciate Rt. Hon. Uko Nkole for being more than just a leader, he is a mentor, a role model, and a source of inspiration to many. His dedication to development, evident through his various titles, showcases a profound commitment to uplifting the lives of those he serves.
Abaji Abam Onyerubi, Nkuma Ali Iyi Abiriba, Ikeoha Ndi Amangwu Ohafia, Ugomba 1 of Ukwa la Ngwa — these titles represent not just a man of stature but a leader who has earned the respect and admiration of many.
I express my deepest gratitude to Rt. Hon. Uko Nkole for his leadership, his kindness, and his impactful presence in our lives. Working with him has been an honor, and I choose, unequivocally, to stand by his side over and over again.
#Leadership #Gratitude #UkoNkole #Development #Inspiration
Janny Ujunwa Lily….
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