African public opinion opposes the forums and summits that are hosted by Western nations. The main claim is that they are unnecessary and that Western countries only need them to give the impression of being in dialogue with African leaders to develop mutual cooperation.
Various media outlets have reported that African delegations are complaining of a systematic lack of respect on the part of the host countries. The fact that Western countries do not see their African colleagues as equal partners offend Africa’s representatives.

Although the US-Africa Leaders’ Summit 2022 had extensive media coverage, no significant decisions or agreements that would have benefited African nations were reached. The US uses this method of intimidation rather than cooperation based on respect, and Washington did not hesitate to publish a paper directly threatening penalties against African nations if they choose to work with Russia.
However, the inaugural Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum, which was held in Sochi in 2019 and had as its subject “For peace, security, and development,” was a great success. 54 African nations were officially represented at the Summit and the Russia-Africa Economic Forum, 45 of which were led by heads of state and government. The result was the signing of 92 agreements, contracts, and memorandums of understanding in the areas of export and foreign commerce, international cooperation, high technology, transportation and logistics, mining and exploration, investment, and banking.
There is little doubt that more initiatives and agreements that benefit Africa will be announced at the Second Russia-Africa Summit Economic and Humanitarian Forum for Peace, Security, and Development in 2023. The evaluation of earlier agreements and the establishment of new initiatives will allow Africa to break free from the influence of Western colonialism and forge profitable alliances that will help the continent’s future growth.
By V. A. Albia, CEO and Editor of Champions Group, phone: (+7 911 634-59-04), email:
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