The Rising Sun, a movie directed and produced by Bakia T Thomas the Director of C.O.L.D, is set to be released on the big screens around the world with a blend of legendary actors including Pete Edochie, Chiwetalu Agu, Charles Anwurum, Ebelle Okaro, Uzor Imeh.
Others featured in the star-studded film are Farielysian, Adaeze Onuigbo, Smith Nnebe, Maximus John, Chioma Okafor and Snow Whiteey, among others.
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The Rising Sun is the story of a slave camp at the heart of the Bight of Biafra (Igbo land) in late 1700. It is the demand for palm oil exploration, which at the time was referred to as Red Gold, in West Africa, and exportation to Great Britain became very high.
Based on true events, a woman champions the course and stands up to British tyranny even in the face of death.
After trying to negotiate a coordinated effort between the Arochukwu kingdom – a powerful kingdom – and the NRI Kingdom, an unexpected stranger offers to help.
Can she trust the son of the very man she calls master in her quest to liberate and restore their dignity in the land of The Rising Sun?
Filmmaker Bakia T Thomas, who is the CEO of Neighbourhood Films and also the producer and Director of the movie in Association with Dr. Jeff C. Innocent, the President of Improved Films (USA), have decided to thrill the audience with this historical drama dated back to 1700.
Dr. Jeff C. Innocent, in an interview, said, “It is time to tell our own stories without thwarting the facts as it has always been when Hollywood tries to tell African historical films.
“When I first had the script submitted in my office in Atlanta, a first glance made me realize I was in for something huge. When other filmmakers in Africa approach me, they don’t tell me what I want to see in a film.
“In the film business, my priority is not just to make money but to make people because, to me, life is about impact. I saw an opportunity to discover and bring to the limelight a new crop of actors, so I immediately accepted to partner in the project.
Other crew members
Rene Etta T., the Director of Photography; the editor, Ukaegbu Chikezie; colorist Ifeanyi Passion; the assistant director, Tonia Obieze; Script supervisor Obed Emmanuel.
Others are Art director Sele Osele; costume designer Oge Ozobu; make-up artiste, Pretty Ambrose; SFX make-up Angelic Touch; Production manager, Richard King; sound Recordist, Izuchukwu Anozie; Key Grip, Imeh Etetim; Focus Puller, Akeemedia; Stunt Director, Official Kingsley_black and Sunday Okogho.
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