In my desire to represent my dear AROCHUKWU people at the House of Assembly, come Saturday March 11, 2023, I pledge to be the embodiment of the true AROCHUKWU SPIRIT of selflessness, responsibility, fairness, courage, hardwork and commitment to Social Justice.
I will leave no stone unturned to enhance the growth and development of the Constituency.
Special attention to be paid to:
• Education
• Youth and Women Empowerment
• Infrastructure and Inidustrial Development
• Health, Sports and Social Services.
• Community Development.
This will be achieved through:
• Sponsoring and Co-Sponsoring relevant Bills and Motions that will impact positively on the good people of AROCHUKWU STATE Constituency.
• Facilitating gainful employment and access to poverty reduction schemes of the State Governments.
• Attracting Investments and encouraging the establishment of Small-Scale business concerns to utilize the abundant raw materials and manpower in AROCHUKWU.
• Championing literacy excellence at all levels of Education through financial support for students in full-time study.
• Promoting ICT capacity among the Youths, upscaling access to Technology in Schools, and Poverty Skill acquisition with Starter – packs.
• Support for Health Care Institutions, Orphanages, HIV/AIDS advocacy and general Health related Campaigns.
• Agriculture, the mainstay of AROCHUKWU Economy will be given holistic attention. Aside from support to Farmers through purchase of seedlings, implements, insecticides and equipment for primary processing, working with other levels of government. I will ensure that AROCHUKWU farmers get their fair share of available resources and opportunities.
• Arts, Culture, Music and Capacity – building initiatives will be supported and promoted to empower our artisans, artists, and other creative minds, Institutions and Activities.
• Projecting and embodying a firm, respected, consistent and informed Voice in the House of Assembly.
• Forging and maintaining a positive working synergy with the Leaders, the Youths and Community Organization.
• Community Development program including market development and small credit scheme to benefit Market Women.
• Establishing a functional Constituency office in the two Local Government enhance access to all.
• Prudent utilisation of Constituency Funds for genuine, people – focussed, transparent and verifiable projects and programs.
In all, I promise to be accessible/reachable, make AROCHUKWU people proud, and represent you honestly and respectfully, to the best of my abilities. So help me God.
I count on your full support and prayers.
Dr. Samuel Uba Okorie, the best Arochukwu Constituency has. Vote for Accord, Vote for Dr. Samuel Uba Okorie.

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