Speech by the Abia Christian Community (ACC) at the Abia Redemption Press Conference organized by the ACC, held at NCGF on December 30th 2022.
Gentlemen and women of the Press, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, fellow Abians:
This is wishing you all a happy New Year in advance!
Abia Christian Community is not a political party but a strong pressure group for good governance and value reorientation towards positive social transformation.
We are a coalition of the Christian masses in Abia State with Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship (NCGF), Africa in Praise Network (APNET), and Messianic Kingdom Moment (MKM) as the foundational promoters.
ACC is aimed at turning Abia back to God, the institutionalization of Godly Leadership, and a transparent governance model that would trigger large scale inclusive development across Abia State.
We did not just get up to do this. In 2005, God gave a revelation through one of us, showing the decadence in Abia State and how to get out of it. By that revelation, God showed us that Abia state was sold into idolatry in the quest for power by our leaders. This has has left Abia State in utter desolation.
In that revelation, the Lord said, “The redemption of Abia lies solely in the hand of the Church, but if they fail to take responsibility I the Lord will leave them with horns that will waste them”. The Lord promised to give Abia a “David” who will bring Abia State into the fullness of His purpose.
From 2005 till today it is very obvious that Abia has been plunged into the worst governance experienced by any State in Nigeria because the Church has failed to take responsibility for Abia’s redemption.
That’s why ACC was formed to point the Church to her duties and to actualize the rescue of Abia State from bad governance.
So far ACC has accomplished the following:
1) Establishment of a Unity Prayer Altar that holds on 1st Saturdays of the month a.k.a Abia Day of Spiritual Clean Up.
2) Sensitisation and mobilization of the church towards effective participation in the 2023 election.
3) Successfully held prayers from 2012 and finally for 30 days in the month of September 2022 for God to reveal the “David” of Abia State to us. We are happy to announce to Abians that God has revealed to us Dr Ukpai Iro Ukpai, the Governorship Candidate of New Nigeria People’s Party NNPP as the David of Abia State.
ACC anointed Dr Ukpai and adopted him as our Governorship Candidate.
4) ACC successfully unveiled her Governorship Candidate, Dr Ukpai Iro Ukpai to Abians on December 2nd 2022 at Aba.
5) Presented Dr Ukpai to Abia Fathers of Faith in an interactive session held on December 14, 2022 at Heritage Hotel Aba.
6) Set up ACC chapters in the 17 LGAs of the State with Coordinators and Executive members.
7) Subsequently adopted other candidates running for office ( from Senate to House of Assembly) and unveiled them on December 2 at the same event held at Heritage Hotel Aba.
Dr Ukpai Iro Ukpai is a committed Christian disciple and Christian leader. He has served the Lord in various offices in the course of his discipleship which started since 1975. He is a Ruling Elder of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria and hails from Asaga Ohafia in Ohafia LGA of Abia State.
Dr Ukpai has three degrees and a professional certificate. An Entrepreneur, Engineer and management consultant, he has worked in several top companies across the World. From his Glorious Manifesto, he has proposed a transformational agenda that will rescue Abia State from the shackles of underdevelopment and enable her to catch up with other states and overtake.
We consider Dr Ukpai the man God has ordained for Abia State for such a time as this.
ACC by this press conference is calling on all the Churches in Abia State, Ministers of the Gospel, Traditional Rulers, Abia Town Unions, Pensioners, Civil servants, Youths, Elders, all Abians, and lovers of Abia State to heed the call to return Abia State to God. Let’s avoid being tricked by any politician to follow the old political order that threw up the wrong persons into the governance of Abia State across board. We have failed by allowing men to foist their chosen cronies on us as our Governors in Abian over the years (under the old order of so called God fatherism).
We are all witnesses to the aftermath – it has left us far behind other states. Infact, Abia State is the worst governed State in Nigeria today.
ACC calls on all Abians, Abia residents, and lovers of Abia to allow God Himself to direct us so that in listening to Him, we would choose a God-fearing Governor and leaders this time around.
ACC specially advises our Pastors, Traditional Rulers, Town Unions, and Elders to take it as their God-given responsibility this time around, and give direction to their flock, subjects, and followers to vote for Abia’s redemption and rescue, and not to yield to ” stomach infrastructure” though there’s great hunger in the land.
The 2023 election in Abia State must be as like no other since the creation of the state in 1991. We Abians must get it right this time around, else we and our children perish.
Following the leading of the Lord, ACC has instituted a Redemption Seed Fund. It is voluntary. All Abians and Churches are advised to sow the seed for Abia’s redemption. In the political order the Lord wants us to set up, the people by themselves will enthrone the Governor they choose. Pastors are advised to gather the Redemption seed from each member and dedicate it to supporting the battle to redeem Abia State. Contact ACC leaders to remit the funds.
We can all see how Abia State has been wasted. Our State is backward compared to all our neighbours.
Abia State will be worse if Abians vote following the old political order with its monetized and godfather backup, in the election of our next Governor and other leaders.
Ndi Abia: On Feb 25th and March 11, 2023, go out with your PVC and vote for all the ACC adopted candidates. At ACC, we believe it’s not about political parties, it’s about the individuals running for office.
Vote for the candidates we believe God will use to fix Abia State; vote Dr Ukpai of NNPP as Governor Abia State. Vote where you see the logo having a basket full of fresh fruits.
ACC calls on Abia voters to align with Jehovah God so that our State can be rescued from bad governance. We Abians must get it right, else we and our children perish under wicked rule.
ACC has delivered the message God gave us for Abians. We are now free from blame before Almighty God having fulfilled our mandate. It’s now left for Abians to heed this message or discard it.
If Abians again make any mistake in the choice of her leaders in 2023, especially for the office of the Governor, Abians should blame only themselves. The rest of the Country are watching us.
May God bless Abia State!
May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
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