Don’t beat yourself up for not having achieved the goals you set in January.
It’s okay to celebrate the small wins.
A new day, a new week, a new month presents a new opportunity.
You are your greatest asset. Even if you’ve neglected other goals, don’t neglect YOU.
What’s the one thing you will do this month of November to grow, develop yourself, expand your horizon, enhance your skills?
Any plans for some training? Can you spend at least one hour a day in self-development, reading a good book or listen to inspiring messages in traffic. Make the effort to spend time with a mentor.
Perhaps you left too many loose ends unfinished in January and February.
Go back to them and this time, EXECUTE.
Who do you need to meet?
Who do you need to catch up with?
Make that list now.
A phone call, a meeting…
Spend time with cherished family and friends, travel, get enough sleep, enjoy your hobbies and pastimes, watch a movie, go to the beach, have lunch, and have tea.
Live fully in the present;
Have fun.
Every day of your life counts.
“Life is the occasion.”
Welcome, November!
livelife #beintentional #JustDoIt #SMARTERGoals #Startnow #Begin #execute #Actionspeakslouderthanwords #Plan #procrastination #ideas #lunch #DrSamcares #DrSam4Reps #Vote4DrSamuel

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