By arm of flesh shall no man prevail, … But we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
These are statements of truth from the Holy Book set for us to draw strength, garner wisdom, and derive inspiration for the lofty task of service to humanity because only God chooses leaders to oversee the affairs of his creation. When God is with us, we can do all things.
Suffice this to say that the ongoing negotiations to Rescue Abia State will require the wisdom and strength of God to understand that the desire for fresh air is sacrosanct and indisputable for God’s Own State at this material time as only the true political will of the masses can guarantee a better deal for a holistic development that will turn around the forlorn state of despondency in Abia State to enthrone meritocracy over mediocrity. This is a social negotiation and contract we must be conscious of in our march toward 2023.
The reinvention of Abia State to the path of development in the true sense of the word “Development” is unnegotiable and a path that must be trodden by every well-meaning leader of the State with any iota of patriotism left in him, especially at a time when the state is in her lowest ebb in terms of encompassing, even and qualitative development that defines good governance.
Another incontrovertible fact is that without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities because dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. That is why as a people, we must give heed to the consequences, effects, and importance of the decisions we must make today, especially at this auspicious time of the 2023 election of realignment, reinvestment, and rejigging of Abia State through pragmatic and people-oriented leadership.
In this lofty effort, we must insist on choosing men with character, pedigree, integrity, and a high sense of patriotism to intervene in this effort to take Abia State to greater heights, Ukpai Iro Ukpai, Ph.D., is our best bet, our PVC is our voice and power to negotiate a better future. We must not compromise for any reason, no matter the gimmicks employed to confuse us, we must insist on the RESCUE OF ABIA STATE in 2023.

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