The English Philosopher Thomas Hobbes, once said of himself that the day he was born , one other thing was born with him , FEAR. For his mother went into labour on hearing of the of the approach of the Spanish Armada. That fear dominated Hobbes Life ; motivated his political views and social conscience.
The day Mazi Chibuike Jonas was born’ HOPE was the other thing being born alongside him. HOPE of survival , prosperity ,life . It is this hope that dominates his life.
Mazi Chibuike Jonas is a social crusader who has a strong and burning desire to change the obvious deplorable conditions of Abia State.
He has an ultimate desire to make a difference. He is a philanthropist and possesses a social conscience.
He is a Visionary Leader, Business Manager, Public Administrator with immense expertise in both Local and lnternational issues and a very wide Business network.
As a Christian with prophetic magnetism, he is a beacon of HOPE that FAITH should be practiced the way it is taught.He believes in excellence and professionalism in all his endeavors.
Mazi Chibuike Jonas hails from lsimkpu in Arochukwu Local Government Area of Abia State.
He is humble, charismatic with no desire for self aggrandizement. He is a seasoned professional ln Public Administration with relevant certificates in
- Public Administration from Charttered lnstitute of Local Government and Public Administration of Nigeria.
2.Public Administration from the Philander Smith College. Arkansas. USA.
3.Affiliate British lnstitute of Administrative Management. UK. - Fellow, Nigerian lnstitute of lndependent Marketers.
- Fellow, the lnstitute of Chartered Public Administrators Wood Center Antigua to mention but a few.
His desire is to bring about HOPE. He has an undiluted ambition to transform Abia State. He intends to collaborate with UNDP to attain and achieve the SDP. developmental goals. The basic needs of poverty alleviation,health, Education, Economic Growth and Secrurity will all be addressed.
He has done an extensive research on Abia State and has discovered that the state has several untapped potentials in both natural and mineral resources.
His vision is to transform Abia State into an enviable state with a robust economy. He will encourage Public/Private Partnerships and Private Sector Partnerships. His intention is to make Abia State a fast growing industrial base to stimulate heavy investment for socio economic gains of the general public.
A political enigma and a humanitarian service provider, his antecedents and leadership impact during his tenure as the Executive Chairman of Arochukwu LGA speaks volumes of itself that cannot be over emphasized. His arrival started off a new era which is still being talked about till date. His short stay heralded a massive transformation of the local government with monumental achievements which can be verified.
Abia State will definitely be in safe and good hands with political prowess of Mazi Chibuike Jonas.
He is a man of simple needs whose primary goals are for the betterment of his people.
Let’s fix Abia
Vote Mazi Chibuike Jonas (ADP) Gubernatorial Candidate.
Compiled by: Abia Liberation & Restoration Movement
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