The effort to rescue Abia State from backwardness and unproductive leadership that has befallen her has become a task that many concerned citizens have taken upon themselves to achieve in 2023 because of the common belief that only a change of the status quo can help the state find its place as God’s Own State, rather than living in a shadow of herself.
One of the foremost crusaders of a better, productive and more viable Abia State is an entrepreneur, a phylabtrooist and an accomplished Businessman, Rev Daniel Imo. He has always emphasised that the first step to achieving a better society is to change the orientation of the electorates to understand that they have the power to influence the electoral outcome through the ballot box, and not vice versa as the instituted leadership anomaly has made it to appear over the years in the state.
Reverend Dan Imo has been at the forefront of enlightening the electorates, churches, youth gatherings and social fora on the need to understand that until there is a paradigm shift from politics of the stomach where electorates mortgage their future to career politicians to a system where power is given to accomplished and proven individuals, Abia will continue to be relegated in all spheres of development that she has witnessed for a while now.
In his public speeches in recent times, Rev. Dan Imo has focused on educating the people on the importance of Religion, Politics, Civil Society as the panaceas for progress and The Future of God’s Own State, Abia. He has consistently charged Church leaders to rejuvenate their theology to inculcate the consciousness of politics as a civic responsibility to the society, a process of choosing good leaders as opposed to voters’ apathy that has made the Church more of an observer than a contributor to the process of shaping government policies that affect her both directly and indirectly.
In the same vein, his consultative approach to good governance has yielded good results as traditional authorities, institutions, etc have, through his interaction with them come to understand their lofty roles in mobilizing their subjects towards men and women who have the good of the people at heart, and to be wary of emergency/career politicians who appear every 4 years with enticing gifts in form or handouts to buy their way into power till the next 4 years while the masses suffer in silence. Saying that these conditions will change when people understand the roles and power of their PVC.
Indeed, the concept of choosing men with ideas in 2023 has become the deciding factor for a better Abia. Only strict adherence to this consciousness can offer the first respite for a liberated Abia of our dreams.
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