Following the unfortunate and ugly incident that took place in Okon-Aku Ohafia of recent where a pair of desperate youths took the wrong path of attempting to murder their victim to claim his money in the name of giving him traditional services even when they’re are not legally licensed to offer such services.
The Okon-Aku development Union took commendable steps by involving the Nigeria Police and averting jungle justice that could’ve put the community on the wrong side of the law as the ODU President General, Dr Nmecha Umeh Kalu, took further step by issuing a press statement to openly condemn the dastardly act. This is the way of a people who want true progress and development, they don’t condone evil and Okon-Aku had been known for always taking drastic actions against wrong doing at all times. This incidence has reaffirmed this age-long tradition.

In balancing of our earlier report on the incidence, we further sought to understand the position of the real practitioners of the Native Doctors (Dibia) Profession and our inquiries came out positive which revealed a lot that has been hitherto hidden about Okon-Aku and Abiansi. Only a man can tell his story better. It is he who wears a shoe that knows where it pinches.
In the interest of Abiansi and Okon-Aku whose good name is been dented by few questionable characters, the (Ezie Dubai), leader of professional Native Doctors whose name and profession are being jeopardized, OHAFIA-TV spoke with Chief Agwu Kalu Idika (a.k.a Zere Uwa), to ascertain their position on this event and his explanation and position was clear on their condemnation of every wrong-practice, calling on the law to take its full cause on the escape goats to serve as deterrent to unknown ones that be lurking in the corner waiting to perpetrate evil.
According to him, “Abiansi/Dibia is a hereditary and noble profession that transcend through generations. It is not sold in the market, learnt as a trade or auctioned to highest bidders. The bad news we hear today comes from people who just jump into the practice to chase money, they don’t have any family name to protect. They are actually not Abiansi as the body do not recognize them.
“The work of a Dibia is to heal the sick, cure impotency in men/women, and other natural defects to help humanity. Our profession never included promising people money-doubling or quick wealth as these things only come from God.
“You cannot be living in raffia thatched hut and be promising wealth. Those who make wealth in this profession is based on the efficiency and efficacy of their practice. They are called all over the world to heal people, and in return, they’re rewarded with wealth which they bring home. That is why we are worried about these bad apples soiling our good name” he said.
Asked about what they had done as a body to fish out these elements, he responded in affirmative, chronicling their attempt before now.

“To protect our name, we had continued to consult, divine and pray to God to expose them. From ‘Agwu Nsi Ofia’ to all our corner in the land, we asked the gods and “aja ali Okon” to expose the perpetrators. Our work is to chess evil spirits and not to invite them. We set the gods to chase those bringing evil spirits instead of chasing them away. Today our prayers have been answered by the gods and we support the law to take its full cause on them.
“If the victim dies, let them die too, if he survives, let the law give them many years in jail to suffer their pain. Abiansi Okon-Aku do not condone evil and every evil doer will surely die.
“To confirm our position against these boys who are not even Dibia (native doctors), we are the ones treating their victim by using our effective method to extract the bullets from his body. He is now in stable condition and we are not going to leave any stone upturned in chasing this evil doers” he assured.
To drive home his assertion, Chief Agwu Kalu Idika who said he was at a meeting with fellow Legal Dibias, illustrated their position with a fable.
“At one time, Okwu (a wild animal) continued killing an old woman’s chickens till the villagers set up a hunt party to end it. When the hunters returned with Antelope, the old woman started beating the Antelope in retaliation for finishing her chicks. But the Antelope denied having a hand in eating her Chicks, so another hunt was set and they returned with Okwu, in the end, the old woman still blamed the Antelope for not advising the Okwu even though he too was in the Bush.
“This is why we are celebrating today because the Okwu has been caught. We will continue to work hand in hand with ODU and the law to fish out bad practitioners who borrowed it only to destroy us.
“Abiansi have brought good name and great deeds to Okon-Aku and Ohafia as a whole. We assure our people of Ohafia, Abia State and Nigeria that we will not allow evil people to dwell among us or bring dent to our good name” he concluded.
To sum it all, we are advising those seeking the services of native Doctors in Okon-Aku to go through reorganized channels as Okon remains a place of solution in this respect. The collaboration of all the stakeholders of Okon-Aku: ODU, Nnaka, Ezie Ogo, Abiansi, Iyom Nkwa, Uke and Youths are working round the clock to rid Okon-Aku of the evil winds blowing no good.
As captured by: Comr Amos Kalu (Editor at OHAFIATV NEWS)
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